So that rubbish hole in front of our hotel: for some reason exceptionally every day we can see children sitting at the edge of that mysterious hole. And I kid you not, we saw them washing grapes near, luckily not in, it. Couple of days have passed and ten large gray containers have appeared next to it. At first we were convinced that some new hip district will be built, but now it seems more like a market or something. Chinese engineering is out of this Earth, they have placed couple of pipes on top of the containers, which are meant to serve as a roof.
Niiet see prügiauk siis hotelli ees: kummaliselt tihti näeme väikseid lapsi seal augu ääres solkimas ja jalgu kõlgutamas. Ükskord, I kid you not, pesid viinamarju seal servapeal. Nüüd on sinna kõrvale ilmunud ka 10 konteinerit, esiti arvasime, et äkki mingi uus popp Xin Hao elamurajoon, aga vist on tegemist mingi turulaadse asjaga. Ma ausalt ei saa Hiina engineeringust iial aru, täna panid mingeid torusid konteinerite peale, vist katusesarikateks, viskavad jupi vakstut ka peale ja ongi modernne turuhoone valmis.
Niiet see prügiauk siis hotelli ees: kummaliselt tihti näeme väikseid lapsi seal augu ääres solkimas ja jalgu kõlgutamas. Ükskord, I kid you not, pesid viinamarju seal servapeal. Nüüd on sinna kõrvale ilmunud ka 10 konteinerit, esiti arvasime, et äkki mingi uus popp Xin Hao elamurajoon, aga vist on tegemist mingi turulaadse asjaga. Ma ausalt ei saa Hiina engineeringust iial aru, täna panid mingeid torusid konteinerite peale, vist katusesarikateks, viskavad jupi vakstut ka peale ja ongi modernne turuhoone valmis.
Acting and speaking as an adult is awfully exhausting so I'll make it quick: time flies so promptly, that I probably won't make it out of my bed before the next five years have passed. I know it sound like a cliché, but I remember it as yesterday when we arrived in Hengyang and discussed how many time we'll get robbed and how many cockroaches we'll see. So far we've seen only couple of them and we've only got one last week in this small dirty city.
Ma väga pikalt ei jaksa rääkida nagu täiskasvanud inimene nii et ma teen kärmelt: aeg lendab ikka nii kiirelt, et ma ilmselt ei saa oma haigete põlvedega enne voodist väljagi kui järgmised viis aastat mööduvad. Alles see oli, kui jõudsime siia, nägime oma hotelli esimest korda ja arutlesime, et mitu korda meid siinoldud aja jooksul röövitakse ja et mitme prussakaga oma hotellituba jagame. Muide prussakaid oleme seni kohanud küllaltki vähe ning jäänud vaid nädalakene selles väikeses sopases linnakeses.
Moving to London felt as a huge change, moving to a city that was 50 times larger, more ruthless and stranger. Now, two years later, I've realised that the change I underwent was a minor alteration in my life. I strongly believe I would've been in a clinic culture shock for the first four weeks after arriving in Beijing hadn't I moved to London beforehand, where I met so many different people, cultures and attitudes towards life. However, I feel like this experience has prepared me for almost everything that the future might hold.
Kui Londonisse kolisin, olin kindel, et see on üks hiiglama suur muutus, et 50 korda suuremasse linna kolimine ja nii. Nüüd aga mõistan, et võrreldes siinse keskkonnaga, on Londonisse kolimine on nagu lapsemäng. Muidugi, tõele au andes, siis kindlasti oleksin mingis kliinilises kultuurishokis olnud esimesed neli nädalat, kui ma Londonis juba poleks kohanud nii paljusid erinevaid inimesi ja kultuure. Ometigi on siinne elamus mind karastanud ilmselt enamusteks asjadeks, millega tulevikus kokku puutuda võin.
For the first time in my life I've encountered people who lack of contact with the rest of the world and whose life is mostly dictated by the government. Everything that seems so self-explanatory and well-known to us is something new and outrageous for the locals (including YouTube, Dalai Lama, Miley Cyrus, MTV, although the latter is dead already). Yet, they have so much interesting and though provoking to share with us, I feel like I'm testing my brain capacity every second.
Esimest korda elus puutun kokku inimestega, kellel tõepoolest puudub kontakt välismaailmaga ning nende igapäevaelu on suuresti dikteeritud valitsuse poolt. Kõik, mis meile tundub iseenesestmõistetav ja tuntud, on nende jaoks uus ja tundmatu (muuhulgas YouTube, Dalai Laama, Miley Cyrus ning MTV, kuigi viimane on juba niikuinii jalgupidi telekanalite surnuaias). Ometigi on neil jagada meilegi nii palju uut ja huvitavat, et kui mul tõesti kõik meeles püsiks, siis oleks mälumaht 100-protsendiliselt täis.
There's something I've noticed around here - modesty. While we're taught to smile and say "Thank you" when receiving a compliment, here it's only polite to say: "No, I'm terrible at everything, I don't deserve your compliments." For instance, I heard from one of my high-school students that when someone is offered promotion for your good job, it's only polite to decline and suggest someone else for the promotion. After your boss has insisted (and you have turned them down) for three times, only then it's polite to actually accept it.
Üks asi, mida ma tähele olen pannud on Hiinlaste tagasihoidlikkus. Nimelt kui meie arusaamise kohaselt tuleb komplimendid ilusasti aitäh-i ja naeratuse saatel vastu võtta, siis siin, kui õpilasi kiidan, et ilus käekiri või hea keeletaju, siis peidetakse pea kätesse ja öeldakse: “Eiei, mul kole käekiri ja inglise keelt üldse ei oska ja üleüldse väga andetu.” Näiteks kui ülemus ametikõrgendust pakub hea töö eest siis ikka viisakas on öelda, et ei see pole ikka väga hea mõte, et ma olen kõiges väga halb ja hea et lugeda oskan ja et Liu Min oleks ikka palju parem sellele ametikohale. Pärast seda kui ülemus on kolm korda peale käinud, siis on alles viisakas ametikõrgendus vastu võtta.
On the other hand, Chinese people are often very straightforward, if not to say "too straightforward." Today, while discussing our strengths and weaknesses with my high-school students one of them said: "He's good at Maths and Chinese, but on the other hand he's very fat!" Honestly speaking, I'm not even surprised when after taking a selfie together someone says: "You look so weird in this picture, like an alien!"
Teisalt on nad väga otsekohesed ja tihtipeale, ma ütleks, et isegi liiga otsekohesed. Täna keskkooli õpilastega arutasime kõikide nõrki ja tugevaid külgi ja siis üks noormees kirjeldas oma klassivenda: “He’s good at Maths and Chinese, but on the other hand he’s very fat!” Siin ei ole me enam isegi üllatunud, kui keegi tahab pilti teha ja pärast tuleb juurde: “You look so weird in this picture, like an alien."
Although, I said that the Chinese are very modest, I didn't mean that they're quiet and reserved. Their friendly conversations sound a lot like heated quarrels to us. And often, I'm not kidding, we prepare ourselves for a fight, when suddenly they burst into laughter and shake each others hands. We've witnessed couple of fights though, some of them for some very absurd reasons: someone touched someone's car or asked ridiculously high price for a cup of noodles.
Kui ma ütlesin,
et Hiinlased on tagasihoidlikud, siis ometigi ei pidanud ma silmas, et nad on
vaiksed ja hoiavad omaette. Ikka vaja röökida ja karjuda teineteisega, vahel valmistume juba
kakluseks, aga lõpuks hakkavad ikka naerma ja suruvad kätt. Ometigi näeme iga nädal ikka paar korda mehi-naisi kaklemas: kes kellele otsa tagurdas ja kes küsib
suuremat hinda kui nuudlitops väärt on.
Talking about noodles, table manners are exceptionally barbaric. Majority of the food comes with bones, because, as we heard, it's a lot more entertaining to eat meat with bones. So there they are, nibble on their bones and spit everything that else on the table. Additionally, slurping and munching, which always get my blood sugar and stress level up, are totally acceptable around here. I remember when a punch of parents, who waited for their children, started collectively chewing gum, I almost had to breath in a paper bag. As I learnt, in Japan, for instance, it's rude not to slurp, as it's an indicator of bland dish. In some parts of China it's actually only polite to follow up your meal with a humongous burp, as a praise for chief.
Talking about noodles, table manners are exceptionally barbaric. Majority of the food comes with bones, because, as we heard, it's a lot more entertaining to eat meat with bones. So there they are, nibble on their bones and spit everything that else on the table. Additionally, slurping and munching, which always get my blood sugar and stress level up, are totally acceptable around here. I remember when a punch of parents, who waited for their children, started collectively chewing gum, I almost had to breath in a paper bag. As I learnt, in Japan, for instance, it's rude not to slurp, as it's an indicator of bland dish. In some parts of China it's actually only polite to follow up your meal with a humongous burp, as a praise for chief.
Nuudlitest rääkides, siis söögikombes on siin küll nagu otse Barbarite kogukonnast. Kõik toit tuleb kontidega, sest kuuldavasti on kontidega liha palju huvitavam süüa. Nii nad siis lutsivadki kõik kondid läbi ja pudrutavad otse lauale – meie jaoks küllaltki võigas komme laud täis tatistada, aga siin igati aktsepteeritav. Lisaks on neil kombeks luristada ja matsutada nii et maa väriseb, mis ajab mul turjakarvad ärritusest püsti. Ükskord hakkas kari lapsevanemaid kollektiivselt nätsu sööma ja nad mälusid seda nii kõvasti, et ma peaaegu pidin paberkotti hingama, sest see oli nii häiriv. Jaapanis, muideks, on ebaviisakas mitte luristada nuudleid, sest see on märgiks, et toit pole maitsev. Mõnes piirkonnas Hiinas on kombekas üks suur mõnus krooks maha panna pärast söömaaega nagu kiitus kokale võinii.
But then again, slurping and munching is totally understandable as local food is just so spicy that it feels like Satan himself had risen from the dark and tried to take over your body starting from your throat. Obviously, some fresh air is needed to survive from these extreme spices. Merlin and I, who aren't used to eating raw chilli, are always forced to order less spicy dishes, in order to avoid the worst kind of stomach conditions, acne and probably choking. I'm used to the term "sweet tooth," but I guess I've now experienced something that's called "spicy tooth," they are just so into eating spicy foods that ending in hospital with Diarrhea and blisters in their throat. Well, as long as the meal was enjoyable, I guess.
Kohati saame tegelikult sellest matsutamise kultuurist aru, sest toit on siin nii piprane, et suu hõõgab nagu oleks Saatan isiklikult kurgus pead tõstnud. Tulebki värsket õhku peale tõmmata, et natuke neutraliseerida neid ekstreemseid vürtse. Meie Merkaga, kes me pole harjunud paljaid piprakauni närima, küsime alati vähem piprast. Ise on nad nii äärmuslikud, et lõpetavad järgmisel päeval kõhuhädadega haiglas, suu ville täis. Egas midagi peaasi, et eelmisel õhtul hea söömakogemus oli ja rõõmsa tundega magama sai mindud.
Moving on with strange meal preferences, dogs and cats are, in addition to being humans' best friends, a good addition to your food table. Thinking back, I haven't seen many stray dogs, not to mention cats, around here, I can only guess where they've ended up. I don't even know what I expected, Asians' habits of eating dogs and cats have long been talked about, I guess I just didn't want to believe what I was told. Not far from here there's a city called Guilin, which is located in a wonderful place amid mountains, rivers and amazing nature. But not only is it known for its stunning scenery, it's also known for its dog meat festival - a tradition that's over 600 years old and seemingly still alive and kicking. During the festival thousands of dogs are being killed and eaten, my inner animal rights advocate is disgusted and plots some evil plan against this tradition every time someone mentions it. I strongly believe that this should be forbidden by law, as stray dogs carrie numerous diseases that could be transmitted to humankind.
Veidratest söögitoimetustest veel nii palju et, koerad-kassid on siin lisaks inimese semudele ka lihaloomad.. Ja kui ma ükspäev tagant järele mõtlesin, siis ega kodutuid koeri-kasse tänavtel palju märgata olegi, ikka vahel viskame nalja, et "Näe, koer supipoti poole jalutamas." Ma isegi ei tea, mida ma ootasin, sest ometigi olin kuulnud igasugu hirmujutte seoses koera-kassilihaga. Nimelt, siit mitte väga kaugel on üks linn nimega Guilin, mis on väga looduskaunis kohas ja inimestel on palju omapäraseid traditsioone. Näiteks peavad nad suve alguses nädalaega koeraliha festivali, kus tapetakse ja süüakse tuhandeid koeri. See rõve traditsioon on üle 600 aasta vana ja tundub, et jõud ei rauge. Vaatamata mitmete loomakaitse aktivistide protestile elab komme vitaalselt edasi. Lisaks sellele et oma sõprade söömine on mu meelest täiesti brutaalne ja peaks ka Hiinas olema seadusega keelatad, nagu pooles maailma riikides, siis kannavad koerad mitmeid haiguseid, mis võivad läbi selle superfestivali ka inimkonnale kanduda.
I have a story for you, but I recommend you to put down you sandwich in case you're nibbling on one. So as the story goes: Our employer's father had a little cute dog. The only issue was that the cute doggy had an annoying habit of barking a bit too much. At some point the father got fed up with the barking, so he punched the dog a couple of good times until the dog kicked the bucket. He, however, didn't stop there, not only did he kill the dog, but he ate it, starting from the head. I don't know if it changes anything, but supposedly "he didn't feel very good after this." [--]
Nüüd on niimoodi, et kui juhuslikult võikut sööd, siis soovitan selle käest panna või mitte edasi lugeda: Nimelt rääkis siin õpetaja, et tema äial oli üks tore koer. Kahjuks ühel päeval viskas mehel kopa ette, et koer nii palju haugub, võttis siis kätte ja virutas koerale paar paremat toud nagu Pearu “Tões ja õiguses” nii et koer sussid püsti viskas. Vähe sellest, et ta koera surnuks tagus, ta lihtsalt võttis kätte ja küpsetas ja sõi koera ära. Alustas peast kusjuures. Ma ei tea, kas see teeb asja paremaks aga kuuldatavasti “ta väga hästi end just ei tundnud pärast seda.” Paneb kohe mõtlema, et ehk tõesti ei tunne end justkui seitsmendas taevas kui oma koera suures vihas ära sööd.
Although, street food is said to be extremely dirty and dodgy, and the probability of snacking on a rat rather than pork is higher than the chance of rain in London, we managed to try snake meat. I had previously heard that snake meat is extremely tender and delicious, so Miss Fei treated us with this speciality for my birthday. The dish itself looked quite trendy, as you might know, snake skin is still trendy and hip. And although it was all very chewy and felt as if I was eating a calf in a swimming cap. A rather delightful and new experience either way!
Kuigi tänavatoit pidi olema nii must ja kahtlane, et suur tõenäosus on, et saad sealiha asemel mõnusa tänavaroti, siis ussiliha proovisime ära. Kuna ma olin varem kuulnud, et ussiliha on erakordselt hõrk ja mõnus, siis viis Miss Fei meid üleeile mu sünnipäeva puhul restorani ussliha sööma. Roog nägi ise väga moodne välja, ussinahk ju viimasel ajal päris trendikas olnud. Kuigi hammas esimesel korral läbi murda ei tahtnud, siis tore elamus. Kui ma peaksid seda kuidagi kirjeldama, siis nagu sääremari paksus Speedo ujumismütsis. Kuna uss peab koguaeg vingerdama, siis liha oli väga musklis ja lihaseline, nahk peal aga kummine ja kõva.
Reading through the previous text it probably seems like this place is an utter dumpster in the middle of nowhere, slurping Asians standing on every corner eating stewed dog meat and arguing with each other about who stepped on whose toes. But truth could not be further from this, overall, people are exceptionally warm-hearted and although cultural differences are striking their kindness can be felt from a distance. They always try their best to make us smile and honour our desperate attempts of speaking Chinese, thus I can sincerely say that Chinese people are warm and giving (except for the beggar who spat on me).
Kui ma nüüd kogu eelneva teksti läbi lugesin, siis ilmselt jääb mulje, et tegemist on kirjeldamatult võika kohaga, kus iga tänavanurga peal seisavad matsutavad hiinlased, kes söövad hautatud kassiliha, sõimlevad teineteisega, et kes kellel ees kooserdas. Ometigi, on inimesed siin väga toredad ja kuigi kultuurilised omapärasused on tihtipeale esiti veidi ehmatavad, siis on tunda, kuidas tegemist on heatahtlike inimestega, kes näevad kurja vaeva, et meile heameelt pakkuda ning mõne nearatuse, hea sõna või kasvõi silmside välja punnitada. Sestap on kõik inimesed olnud väga heasüdamlikud ning lahked ning meid hästi vastu võtnud (muidugi välja arvatud see hull kerjus, kes mu peale tahtis sülitada.)
Even their lifestyle, if we exclude the excessive smoking, is a lot healthier than Westerners. Their daily food includes loads of vegetables and fruit, on the other hand they consume a lot of white rice, which is considered, according to our medicine, rather harmful for your waist and blood sugar. Nevertheless, Chines are mostly slim and have a very good skin, as they pay a lot of attention to their nutrition and appearance. Even middle-aged women look very young. Frankly, sometimes it's difficult to figure if it's a young couple or mother and son. Smoking, however, is an alarming issue in China. Inevitably, China is the largest consumer and producer of tobacco, with over 350 million smokers. Their love for cigarettes has gone thus far that men smoke in the pool, sauna and even hospitals. Square-dancing is another popular recreation. Square-dancing means that old men and women, mostly women, come together and shake a leg together. It reminds me of this typical old people's dance: a-step-to-the-left-a-step-to-the-right kind of choreography, but it looks fun nevertheless.
Elustiil on ka neil, kui suitsetamine välja arvata, väga tervislik võrreldes Lääne-Maailma inimestega. Toit, mida nad söövad, sisaldab paljujuur- ja köögivilju, teisalt palju valget riisi, mis meie arusaamise ja teaduse järgi on halb peenele pihale ning tekitab diabeeti. Inimesed on enamasti saledad ja ilusa nahaga (v.a 15-aastased koolilapsed), sest nad pööravad oma toitumisele ning välimusele ikka väga palju rõhku. Ka keskealised naised näevad väga noored välja ja ausaltöeldes, vahel on raske aru saada, kas tegemist on ema ja pojaga või noorpaariga. Suitsetamine on küll siin suur probleem, eriti meeste hulgas, kes kimuvad nii kuis jaksavad basseinis, saunalaval ja arsti kabinetis. Väga popp on siin square-dancing, nimelt tulevad tädid-onud kokku ja vihuvad õhtuti promenaadil tantsu. Enamasti sellised vanainimeste samm-paremale-samm-vasakule koreograafia, kuid tervislik sellegipoolest!
Another week to go and phrases such as "The girl and the boy is play" and "Tim's horse has a waistcoat" won't be a part of my daily life. I'm not sure yet, whether I'll be missing Hengyang or breath with a sense of relief every time I think back on this place. But ultimately I'm more than convinced that I've proved to myself more than I could ever imagine and had doubts about and this experience is one of a kind on enriching in many way.
Üks nädal veel minna ja varsti ei saadagi mind igasse päeva fraasid “The girl and boy is play” ja “Tim’s horse has a waistcoat,” hetkel veel ei oskagi kindlapeale öelda, kas jään Hengyangi taga igatsema või hingan iga kord kergendusega kui tagantjärele selle linna peale mõtlen. Ometigi on kindel, et selle ettevõtmisega olen tõestanud endale nii mõndagi, milles varem kahtlesin ning kogemus on kindlasti erakordne ning mitmeski mõttes rikastav.
Good insight into your outlook on cultural differences