1. Life is an endless path of opportunities
I ran into an old acquaintance today. We briefly talked about the job market in London and my career seek after university. She said: "Don't worry, there's always something going on in London," it's true, there are numerous opportunities if you have the attitude courage to go after them. Life doesn't have to be college-university-career, it can be seeking something new and unorthodox. However, mindset is the key, if you focus on your problems, only negative things will come out. However, if you focus on solutions you'll soon notice opportunities.
2. Life is merciless
Sadly it's true and the faster you come to terms with this, the better. Although there are thousands of opportunities to be taken, you also encounter thousands of rejections, it makes sense doesn't it? I mean the whole probability theory and all. Fast-paced city like London knows no empathy nor sympathy and although it can truly hurt sometimes it's another lesson learnt. I like to think of rejections as fuel to one's determination, why back down if you can channel this energy to becoming smarter, stronger and better.
3. See the beauty of diversity
I remember back in 9th grade when we talked about cultural differences and how to overcome them. At the time I couldn't quite grasp the notion as living in Estonia that is as white as Christmas it was difficult to imagine living side by side with a different culture. Yes, we do have many Russians living in Estonia, but the differences aren't as drastic as with many other cultures. Here, however, you can witness the diversity living in symbiosis, which, if you think about it, is truly beautiful.
4. Always have a plan B
and probably C and D. Needless to say, in a city where there's competition on every corner, one must always have extra solutions. Perhaps it's idiosyncratic to me in particular, but planning is really the key to success and actually keeping your life in motion.
5. The more people the lonelier you can be
I'm not necessarily implying that I've felt lonely during my years here, but I must admit that I've never seen so many solo-dwellers in one city. Sure, London has long been deemed as "The loneliest city in the World," which is an excellent example of how one can feel lonely even when surrounded by (literally) millions of people.
There are probably many others that I've learnt and lessons I will learn here in the future. However, being a keen life learning enthusiast I welcome all the opportunities and life lessons to be come!
I'm not necessarily implying that I've felt lonely during my years here, but I must admit that I've never seen so many solo-dwellers in one city. Sure, London has long been deemed as "The loneliest city in the World," which is an excellent example of how one can feel lonely even when surrounded by (literally) millions of people.
There are probably many others that I've learnt and lessons I will learn here in the future. However, being a keen life learning enthusiast I welcome all the opportunities and life lessons to be come!
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